
Pilot operation of the AGP-F installation at the Vostochny mine of the KF of Apatit JSC

In March 2019

A six-month pilot operation (EPO) of the AGP-F installation to determine the elemental composition of phosphorus ores at the Vostochny mine of Apatit JSC was successfully completed

As part of the EPE program, a large cycle of measurements of apatite-nepheline ore samples was carried out, and a calibration collection of 69 samples was created.

The calibration dependence has been determined.

The relative standard deviation in the entire range of P2O5 contents is standard deviation = 3.33%.

The minimum detectable concentration of P2O5 was determined. It amounted to 1.71%

Measurements of 58 samples with a particle size of -100 mm made it possible to determine the transition characteristic linking the values of the AGP parameter for samples with a size of -100 mm and a size of -3 mm.

Comparison of the results of the AGP-F installation for samples with sizes of -100 mm and -3 mm.

An important result on the simple linear dependence of this characteristic was obtained.

It shows that due to the high penetrating ability of fast neutrons with an energy of 14 MeV, natural averaging of the elemental concentration occurs over the entire sample material and the value of the AGP parameter becomes the same for both a large sample and one ground to a size of -3 mm.

This result is important for justifying the use of MMM for a conveyor installation.

The operational capabilities of the installation have been tested:

  • During 617 hours 47 minutes

    The neural generator worked in constant intensity mode I=5x107 s-1
  • RMSrel=1.1%

    The gamma detector system performed the OPE with stable performance.

    Over the entire period of operation, the relative standard deviation of changes in energy resolution was standard deviation = 1.1%.

    There were no breakdowns or other malfunctions with the gamma detector system.

  • Worked normally

    Electronics systems, detector power supply, container climate control are always OPE.
    No breakdowns or malfunctions occurred during the OPE.

  • As part of technical remote support

    The operation of the main installation systems was monitored.
    The ability to control the AGP-F installation systems and launch it remotely has been tested.
  • The stability of the calibration characteristic has been checked

    when performing measurements of control samples in the amount of 1075 measurements.

    During the OPE, the calibration characteristic did not change.
  • Радиационный контроль

    was carried out during the operation of the installation within the framework of the approved Program for ensuring radiation safety at the KB JSC Apatit.

    The individual effective dose of the AGP-F operator for 6 months of work was 2.101 mSv.
  • Staff training

    The personnel of the Analytical Center of the KF JSC Apatit were trained to work on the AGP-F installation.